Reuniones científicas

Congresos Internacionales

  • 2019. Meeting of the European Clay Groups Association (ECGA) jointly with the 56th annual meeting of The Clay Minerals Society (CMS) and the 6th Mediterranean Clay Meeting (MCM), Paris (
  • 2018. XXII Meeting of the International Mineralogical Association, Melbourne (
  • 2017. 16th International Clay Conference, Granada (
  • 2016. 2nd European Mineralogical Conference, Rimini (
  • 2015. Meeting of the European Clay Groups Association (ECGA), Edimburgo (
  • 2010. SEA-CSSJ-CMS Trilateral Meeting on Clays, Sevilla (
  • 1998. 2nd Mediterranean Clay Meeting (APA, SEA. GFA, Gruppo Italiano AIPEA), Madeira. Proceedings Vol. 2, Extended Abstracts
  • 1998. 2nd Mediterranean Clay Meeting (APA, SEA. GFA, Gruppo Italiano AIPEA), Madeira. Proceedings Vol. 1, Invited lectures.
  • 1996. Spanish-Italian Meeting on Clay Minerals, Granada. Advances in Clay Minerals
  • 1987. Euroclay’87. The sixth Meeting of the European Clay Groups, Sevilla
  • 1985. First Italian-Spanish Congress, Seiano di Vico Equense and Amalfi
  • 1972. 4th International Clay Conference, Madrid


Reuniones Científicas Nacionales

  • 2022. XXVI Reunión Científica de la Sociedad Española de Arcillas. Baeza (SEMSEA-2022)
  • 2018. XXV Reunión de la Sociedad Española de Arcillas, Zamora
  • 2016. XXIV Reunión de la Sociedad Española de Arcillas, Madrid
  • 2014. XXIII Reunión Científica de la SEA
  • 2010. SEA-CSSJ-CMS Trilateral Meeting on Clays, Sevilla
  • 2008. XXI Reunión Científica de la SEA – XXVIII Reunión Científica de la SEM, Zaragoza
  • 2005. XIX Reunión Científica de la SEA, Salamanca
  • 2001. XVI Reunión Científica de la SEA, Baeza
  • 2000. XV Reunión Científica de la SEA, Ronda
  • 1985. VII Reunión de la SEA, Madrid. Conferences

Jornadas Científicas
